DSEI ARMS Fair-Demo on September 9th
8 September 2017Posted by AFed
For four days in September 2017, the international weapons industry plans to set up shop in London at a huge arms fair, DSEI. The weapons…
Mourn the dead, fight like hell for the living
24 August 2017Posted by AFed
The murder of Heather Heyer by a neo-Nazi was horrifying but not surprising. The Ku Klux Klan, the neo-Nazis and the alt.right have increased in…
Leicester AF Meeting on Spanish Revolution
24 August 2017Posted by AFed
What can we learn from the Spanish revolution? 7.30pm on Wednesday 30th August at the Regent Club 102 Regent Road Leicester LE1 7DA Just over…
London AF PubLic Meeting on Modern Spanish Anarchism
16 August 2017Posted by AFed
Next public meeting of London Anarchist Federation: The Anarchist Movement in Modern Spain Report back on factfinding tour of Spanish anarchist movement by AF member…
Leith Hill Anti-Fracking Camp
11 August 2017Posted by AFed
“Europa Oil & Gas are nearing the end of the legal process giving them permission to carry out unconventional drilling in the Surrey Hills, despite…
New AF Sticker
11 August 2017Posted by AFed
Refugees Welcome: The Working Class Has No Country Available from aflondon@riseup.net
23 June 2017Posted by AFed
London AF will be running a stall at the Radical Bookfair this Saturday, 12-6. Come along and chat: https://www.facebook.com/events/1340427492708809/
23 June 2017Posted by AFed
https://www.facebook.com/events/962322453911006/?hc_location=ufi After the election we analyse the state of play, the nature of Corbynism and how we relate to it, and how we need to…
What London AF have been up to recently
17 February 2017Posted by AFed
What London AF have been up to recently Several street distributions of Resistance and Rebel City. Yesterday 5 of us distributed Rebel City in Bethnal…
London AF Meeting On Police and State Violence
9 February 2017Posted by AFed
London AF Discussion Meeting The Police and State Violence We look at the role of the police and revolutionary alternatives to them in the context…
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