Annual Anarchist Bookfair in London – 19th October 2013
As usual the AF will be present at the annual Anarchist Bookfair in London with a stall and running several meetings. There will be a new issue of Organise! magazine too. Do come and meet us!!
This year it will be on Saturday 19th October 10am-7pm and at the usual venue Queen Mary’s university on Mile End Road in the East End.
Details: http://anarchistbookfair.org.uk/
Meetings at London Anarchist Bookfair 19/10/2013 organised by Anarchist Federation (or related)
The International of Anarchist Federations is hosting ‘Spreading Organised Anarchism’. Much of the focuss will be on the Mediterranean and one of the speakers will be an Egyptian anarchist delegate. Room 320 at 11.00 am.
Anarchist federation meeting on The Idea of The Commune, the Idea of Organisation. Why we need to resurrect the idea of the Commune as an inclusive model for the WHOLE working class. Room 241 at 1.00 pm.
Anarchist Federation meeting on Solidarity Networks- How and Why. Room 326 at 3.00 pm.
Meeting hosted by the Anarchist Federation to discuss launching an Annual Anarcha-Feminist Conference. We urge anyone serious about feminism within the anarchist movement to attend. Room 326 at 4.00pm.
Anarchist federation meeting. Sexual Consent Workshop. Room G07 at 5.00 pm.
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