Angry Not Apathetic – AF’s anti-election campaign is launched
‘Angry Not Apathetic’
We are saying this instead of the usual ‘don’t vote, organise’ as it takes the focus away from just ‘not voting’ and confronts the media myth that those who don’t vote or don’t get engaged by the general election must be ‘apathetic’ about the state of things under the capitalist system.
Resistance special issue
It’s ready. Download it, or read online, and please spread the link!
Contents: What anarchists do instead of voting, Labour and the Unions, Lib-dems: a student’s view, Green Party “Tories on Bikes”, Syriza in Greece, Suffragettes, Russell Brand. 8 pages.
Social media
A new Facebook page is here https://www.facebook.com/angrynotapathetic
Twitter is https://twitter.com/AngerNotApathy and you can also use the hashtag #AngryNotApathetic
So to support the campaign please follow and retweet the @angernotapathy twitter account, and/or post your own anti-election/anti-parliament stuff with the hashtag #AngryNotApathetic
More coming soon!
Social Media