Liverpool fundraiser for Visteon workers, 1st & 2nd May
Two day fundraiser in Next to Nowhere, 96a Bold Street, Liverpool, 1st and 2nd of May, 2009
All proceeds will go to occupying and picketting Visteon workers.
Friday May 1st, start 7.00pm
Includes: films from recently occupied factories (Visteon, Prisme, Waterford Crystal), occupied universities, struggles against academies and workers’ struggles from Argentina.
Discussion with presentation from the authors from Reel News.
Food and drinks.
Saturday May 2nd, start 7.00pm
The Take (87 mins) – a film by Naomi Klein on workers’ occupations in Argentina.
Live music: Jacques Malchance and Isocore / live electronica bands from Liverpool One.
Food and drinks
Link to: Event on Facebook.
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