The Sheffield Black Rose Centre
The Black Rose Centre is a new social centre project at 268 Verdon Street, established by the Sheffield Social Centre Collective. Like Social Centres in other towns this is an anti-capitalist space for people to get together to discuss ideas and take action for social change. It is also a space to share skills and food, run events and watch films in a non-commercial setting. This social centre is run without leaders (non-hierarchically) with a “safer spaces” policy that rejects racism, sexism, homophobia and all other forms of oppression. The Black Rose Centre is an alcohol and drug free space. We aim to make this space a practical example of what we can achieve when we work together.
If you have any ideas of events you would like to run in the space that fit with the principles of the project (or would like to get involved) please come along to our next general meeting – these happen every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month.
What will be happening at The Black Rose Centre?
-Public meetings and discussion groups
-Bitfixit café, offering computer maintenance and free wi-fi
-Drop-in clinics for people having problems at work
-A radical library
-Art workshops
The centre will be open until 10:30 in the evening.
Sheffield Social Centre | Website
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