A Look At Counteracting The Rising Cost Of Living In Ukraine: Reflection On The AF Analysis
12 June 2022Posted by London AFed
Comrades in Ukraine sent us this reflection, written on the 7th of June, to our recent essay on the cost of living crisis in the…

Organise! 96 is out – taster article here – Ukraine, anarchist approaches
22 May 2022Posted by W
This article is from the Anarchist Federation’s Organise! magazine issue 96, Spring/Summer 2022, written 26th April. Also: Read last issue online in full. Support and…

IFA member federation statements and articles on the Ukraine situation
26 February 2022Posted by W
Follow this link for statements and articles on the Ukraine situation by FAI Italia, FAI Iberia, FAS (Sicily) and Federation Anarchiste Francophone (French-speaking) and Anarchists…

Death of Alexandre Skirda – historian and anarchist militant
30 December 2020Posted by W
Translated by the Anarchist Federation from the French language original ‘Décès d’Alexandre Skirda, historien et militant anarchiste’ from Le Monde Libertaire (journal and website of…
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