President Chavez is a tool of God
17 May 2010Posted by AFed
This article was originally written by Sergio Lopez for Kosmoprolet, the magazine of the German Friends of the Classless Society group, it first appeared in English in Internationalist Perspective #51, which can be found here. A second article in Internationalist Perspective #53 continues the analysis
A highlight of every child’s birthday party in Venezuela is a piñata, a brightly-coloured paper container filled with candy or toys dangling from a rope. Taking turns the children try to break the piñata with a stick. When it eventually breaks releasing its precious contents all the children jump at it and try to grab as much of it as possible. It goes without saying that the weaker children are intimidated and squeezed out by the stronger ones. Their share depends upon the size of the piñata, the number of children and, ultimately their capability of standing up to the other children. If there were no interference by the parents, several children would go away empty-handed.
How is this related to the Bolivarian process? How does the game continue? And who are the players?
Chomsky as Chavez’s Clown
9 December 2009Posted by AFed
* This article criticizes the weak and untenable posture the celebrated North American linguist and essayist holds in support of the current Venezuelan government. It was originally published in Venezuela’s anarchist newspaper El Libertario #57.
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