The Anarchist Federation has published many works over the years. What follows is a selection of our out of print pamphlets, made available here for historical reference. Please note that the position of the federation may have changed (in some cases quite substantially) since these were first in print.



Added 15 March 2009

Stormy petrel (London AF) pamphlet on Italian Factory Councils and the Anarchists front coverA Stormy Petrel pamphlet, produced by the Anarchist Federation (London group), this text tells the story of the factory councils in Italy between 1920-21. It examines their practice and the role of the anarchists in their lives.

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A BRIEF FLOWERING OF FREEDOM: The Hungarian Revolution 1956

Added 15 March 2009

hungarian revolution 1956 coverAn exciting account of one of the first post-war uprisings against the Stalinist monolith. Also includes a history of the Hungarian anarchist movement.

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ANARCHISM AND VIOLENCE – by Errico Malatesta

Added 15 March 2009

Stormy petrel (London AF) pamphlet on Italian Factory Councils and the Anarchists front coverComplete with a new introduction this important document in the history of anarchist theory from the 1920s refutes the common misinterpretation of anarchism as mindless destruction while restating the need for revolution to create a free and equal society.

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Added 20 February 2009

Origin of movement for worker councils in Germany front coverPeterloo Press series – council communist pamphlets / booklets published by Manchester AF, plus Pannekoek’s Party and Class; published by Leicester AF.

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