Online radio show about the St. Imier anarchist international anniversary in August 2012
140 years ago, anarchists were kicked out of the First International by Marx and his allies and started their own International. Donnacha DeLong talks to Nick Heath from the Anarchist Federation about what happened 140 years ago and how anarchists have created a number of internationals in the years since. Nick also talks about the anniversary commemorations in St-Imier, Switzerland, planned for August this year. More details about the commemorations: http://www.anarchisme2012.ch/index.php?lang=en . More details about the Anarchist Federation: http://www.afed.org.uk/ .
Online Radio Show #45 (17.04.12) Nick Heath.
Thanks to THE CIRCLED A http://thecircleda.com/2012/04/19/show-45-17-04-12-nick-heath/
Listen Now: 17th April 2012 Anarchist Federation
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