AF print publications available to order online
Here is a reminder to all those who want to order AF publications online you can do so from either Active distribution (London) or AK Press (who are based in Edinburgh for UK / European sales). Organise! #81 is available online from Active Distribution: http://www.activedistributionshop.org/shop/magazines/2863-organise-81.html and AKUK: http://www.akuk.com/index.php?_a=product&product_id=6982
(Organise 82 will be available in these e-shops very soon).
*** Various back issues and pamphlets also available to buy online) ***
For annual subscriptions to Resistance or Organise! (or both), and other pamphlets, these are available by post directly from the AF, see: http://www.af-north.org/?q=Organise+and+Resistance+Subscriptions
Both distributors above supply fiction and non-fiction books, zines & comics, poetry and artwork, music, videos, t-shirts, stickers, badges, postcards, posters, diaries and clothing. Active distribution supply Zapatista coffee. AK Press are also a well known publisher of excellent anarchist books.
You can also visit Freedom bookshop or other radical bookstores around the country to buy copies of AF publications in person (many of these have online stores for other material).
You can support these and other radical book publishers and distributors by buying your books from them rather than Amazon.
Most AF publications can also be viewed on or downloaded for free from our website – see the Publications menu.
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