4 events in Nottingham – anti-fascism in 1930s Spain and rededication of International Brigades’ memorial
July 2010 sees a series of events in Nottingham commemorating the anti-fascists’ fight against General Franco’s coup in the Spanish Civil War of the late 1930s. 26 people from Nottinghamshire fought as part of the ‘International Brigades’. They volunteered where no western power took a stance against fascism.
4 events are being organised in all including an exhibition and talks at The Sparrows’ Nest website (by members of the Solidarity Federation) and a special Broadway Cinema showing of Land and Freedom co-sponsored by The Sparrows’ Nest, plus the rededication at County Hall and an exhibition in The Council House.
There are two four pages leaflets to accompany the events from Notts AF and a joint publication of People’s Histreh (Notts radical history group) and The Sparrows’ Nest anarchist library and archive.
DOWNLOAD People’s Histreh and Sparrows’ Nest & People’s leaflet: ¡Alerta Antifascista! War And Revolution In Spain
DOWNLOAD Anarchist Federation leaflet: Civil War And Revolution: Anarchism In Spain
POST-EVENT 1: Photographs of the Anarchist exhibition
POST-EVENT 2: More photographs and Indymedia write up of the Anarchist exhibition
POST-EVENT 3: Feature on all the Spanish Civil War events in Nottingham
Other info at: The Sparrows’ Nest website, Nottingham
See also: new Notts AF blog, nottsblackarrow
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